Prenatal Care

Nurturing Healthy Teenage Mothers

Maternal Health For Teenage Mothers Is Crucial During Pregnancy, Childbirth, And The Postnatal Period. At The Healthy Teenage Moms Foundation, We Believe Each Stage Should Be A Positive Experience, Allowing Both Mother And Child To Thrive And Reach Their Full Potential For Health And Well-Being. 

Despite significant progress over the past two decades, an estimated 287,000 women tragically lost their lives during and after pregnancy and childbirth in 2020. This number is unacceptably high, and teenage mothers are particularly vulnerable.
Common direct causes of maternal injury and death include excessive blood loss, infection, high blood pressure, unsafe abortion, and obstructed labor. Indirect causes such as anemia, malaria, and heart disease also pose significant risks. Many of these complications are preventable with timely intervention by skilled healthcare professionals working in supportive environments.
Eliminating preventable maternal death must remain a global priority. However, survival alone should not define successful maternal healthcare. It is imperative to expand efforts in reducing maternal injury, disability, and complications while promoting overall health and well-being.
Every pregnancy and birth is unique, and individualized care is essential. Addressing inequalities that affect health outcomes, particularly sexual and reproductive health and rights, and gender disparities, is crucial to ensure all teenage mothers have access to respectful, high-quality maternity care.
At Healthy Teenage Moms Foundation, we are dedicated to providing education, resources, and support to empower teenage mothers and improve their maternal health outcomes. Together, we can create a brighter future for young mothers and their children.


Prenatal Care at Healthy Teenage Moms Foundation

Our Prenatal Care Pillar Is Designed To Identify The Teenage Mothers Who Are Traumatised And Require Support At The Lowest Moments Of Their Lives.

Community Collaboration
 We work closely with community-based organizations and local leaders to identify teenage mothers who need our support. By involving the community in our efforts, we can create a network of care and ensure that vulnerable young mothers do not fall through the cracks.
Snow-Ball Methodology: In addition to community partnerships, we employ a snow-ball methodology to identify beneficiaries. This involves asking existing beneficiaries to refer other teenage mothers in need of support, enabling us to expand our reach and impact.
Health Testing: Qualified personnel conduct pregnancy tests and screen for sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS, to ensure that teenage mothers receive appropriate healthcare services and guidance. By providing prenatal care services, Healthy Teenage Moms Foundation strives to empower young mothers and promote positive pregnancy outcomes for both mother and child.